Tag Archives: parkzone
XK A110 Predator MQ-9 EPP Glider 565mm

XK is one of my all time favorite manufacturer that makes ready to fly (RTF) self-stabilized drones. This XK A110 is modeled after the Predator MQ-9 drone using 3 channels. XK A110 Predator MQ-9 is very light and uses differential trust, just like a quadcopter, to power the turns instead of using a rudder. Two small propellers, one on each wing. A little disappointing, the back larger propeller is just a dummy prop that only adds some drag.
The pusher propellers are dual-engine powered and rotates in opposite directions to cancel each other out of the counter-torque; that keeps it more stable and in path. Comes built-in a 6-axis gyroscope flight auto-stabilization system with dual rates, allowing me to perform some aerobatics such as loops…